Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Day in the Life….

There was a day when I knew about everything that was going on at First Church—at least I thought so. And I’m pretty sure I was almost right. I didn’t go to meetings of the Finance Committee or the Trustees; I didn’t go out with the Fisherfolk to call on first-time visitors in their homes, but I went to almost everything else.

That was a long time ago. It was probably sometime in the 80’s when I freed myself from guilt for not going to everything, and late in the 90’s when I began to realize that I couldn’t even know about everything that was happening.

Consider a recent Sunday—May 18. That day presented a dazzling array of activities for First Church members and friends, beginning with a choice of four worship services at 9:00. Sunday School classes met at 9:45, with several special options—a Godly Play Information/Demonstration session, a baptism counseling class, and a festive brunch for graduating high school seniors. The CafĂ© Mission team was selling great coffee and treats to benefit the Social Justice Team’s projects. Tweeners were selling manna bags to be given to hungry and homeless people, and youth were selling stock in the Appalachia Service Project, to make homes of some of the nation’s poorest people warmer, safer, and drier. There were two worship services at 11:00, followed by an Administrative Board meeting at noon. That ended the day at church for many people, but there were still more choices. The afternoon and early evening brought a Musica Sacra Concert, an organizational meeting for United Methodist Women, a training event for children’s Sunday School teachers, the United Methodist Youth Fellowship supper and meeting, and a worship service sponsored by the Reconciling Ministries Team.

A day in the life of First Church brings many opportunities for worship, study, service, and personal enrichment—all made possible by the dreaming and working of faithful and creative members. The days when staff members had to be at every event are long gone. We don’t have that much staff, but we do have plenty of members who make things happen. Most of us cannot keep up with everything that’s going on, but church leaders work hard, using every method they can think of, to let you know, so that you can choose to participate in the events and ministries that meet your needs, nourish your spiritual life, and use the gifts God has given you for the benefit of the Kingdom.

Not all days are as busy as was May 18, but every day in the life of First Church is important. Every day in the life of First Church is one in which we are called to use our God-given resources to bring as many people as possible into a lasting, life-changing relationship with God through Christ Jesus.