Monday, December 8, 2008

Hard Candy Christmas

People of a certain age or very eclectic musical taste may recognize the line above as the title of a song from a musical theater piece dating back to the 70’s. The title is a bit risqué for reproduction here, but it involves a business that called itself the best in Texas.
The song describes the hard times ahead when the business sees that it must close, leaving employees with expectations of only “hard candy” for their Christmas celebration…no money for gifts or expensive treats, only cheap hard candy.

I know there are a great many families in Austin who would have only a “hard candy Christmas” without the generosity of this congregations and others, who make a special effort to help those in need at this time of year. And there are countless others, in our nation and around the world, for whom every day is a “hard candy” day. Each day’s news brings us more reports of unemployment, failing businesses, serious recession, and fear of even worse to come.

Because I always to take responsibility for whatever situation confronts me, especially if it’s one in which people are getting hurt, I’ve been reflecting a lot on what I can and should do about it. Do I save more, worrying about future security, or spend more, doing what I can to pump up the economy? (As if my very limited purchasing power would make a difference!)

I expect I will do what I usually do at Christmas time…I’ve already shopped happily and fairly boldly at our Alternative Gift Market, so some of my money will be spent here in Austin and around the world to help those most in need have a chance to better themselves. I’ll shop specifically for one family adopted by my Walk to Emmaus Reunion Group. I’ll give modestly but enthusiastically to many of the organizations that meet human needs in places I’ll never go. And I’ll continue to marvel at the extravagant generosity of those in First Church who give so much to others all year long, and especially at this time of year.

There have been some “hard candy Christmases” in my life, and there may be again. But with or without presents and treats, I know that Christ comes...perhaps especially when times are hard, to people in need. And I am grateful that the love of Christ is shown so clearly in and among the people who are First United Methodist Church!

Happy Advent—Merry Christmas!