Monday, December 28, 2009

Keep on singing

As a person who watches and listens to way too many media newscasts, I've found the last months very difficult. A year ago I was full of hope, believing our nation was on the brink of a new season of comity and cooperation in government and public affairs. Now, in this winter of almost everyone's discontent, I find it hard to be hopeful. Then, as I was looking through my Christmas files, I came across a copy of a poem I received from a friend and brother in ministry, Dr. James Mayfield. Jim came to First Church as a U.T. student in my first year as Director of Youth Ministries, and his friendship and encouragement has been a constant in my life for more than fifty years. He sent this poem as a Christmas greeting in 1998, and I find it speaks to me today. I share it with his permission. It's titled "Joy to the World."

In this time when
words are hurled like spears
to add wound to wound
and pain to pain,
in this time when
the smoldering smog of resentments
self-righteous angers
increase the darkness of this winter
we are enduring with profound discontent,
a carol is somewhere sung
and once more
the Word of hope
is flung into the darkness.
The tragic omnipotence of love
begins its work again
as God refuses to give up on us
sends to us once more
the angels' song
proclaiming a world-tranforming birth.

I'll keep on singing the carols...will you?