Tuesday, July 13, 2010

God gives the growth!

Last spring I wrote about my first venture into horticulture, actually investing a substantial amount of money into flower beds in front of my house. I was elated at the way they looked in September, and then worried a bit through the winter. And I worried a lot early in the spring when Molly, the neighbor and professional gardener who did the planting, cut everything back. And even as I worried about that, I wrote, "I trust Molly, and I trust God to give the growth."

My trust has been confirmed, of course. I've had a riot of roses ever since, and a beautiful esperanza blooming in gorgeous yellow. The lantana and the plumbago are coming out, and it's all making me so happy.

We've been through several seasons of cutting back in our church life, and that's been hard to do. It's difficult to do everything we want to do, to carry out the ninistries we cherish, with fewer resources of money and people. But I have faith. We are in a new season, and I'm trusting our leaders, with God's help, to guide us into new growth through passionate worship and wise leadership. I'm trusting all of you, with God'shelp, to be radical in your hospitality for newcomers, and extravagantly generous in your giving of time and money and love.

I'm trusting God that our church has not yet seen its brightest vision and most faithful response. If we plant and water, God will give the growth!