Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Off to Italy!

On Sunday, October 21, I will leave Austin for a long, long trip to Italy. Really long—twelve days! No, really, that’s a long, long trip for me. I think long and hard before embarking on a five-day trip for continuing education within the bounds of the United States. I am definitely a homebody.

I’m not sure exactly how this happened, but it’s happening. I will travel to Rome, Tuscany, and Florence with two of my dearest and longest-standing friends, Sally Watkins and Sue Bock. Since Sally is a travel agent and a specialist in Italy, and Sue is reading all the books Sally has assigned as pre-trip homework, I am assured of the best possible companionship. My most enjoyable preparation for the trip has been reading John Grisham’s new book about American football in Italy, Playing for Pizza. I don’t expect to see American football there, but I can’t wait to sample real Italian food made in Italy!

For a person born into a poor family in the depths of the Great Depression, this trip is a huge luxury. Is it really okay to spend the money and time this way? Should I stay home and give the money to the church or to the poor? Should I save it for a rainy day and my old age, which might come some time far in the future?

I have thought about this a lot—in fact, I think about this when making many small decisions about spending money. I know that everything I have comes from God, and that I have been hugely blessed to have come to a place in life that allows such discretionary spending. I find it amazingly wonderful that I have been so blessed, and agonizingly painful to remember that I have so much and so many have so little.

So…I live in some tension in this world of haves and have-nots. I know that I am not called to the life of an ascetic—take a look in my clothes closet or refrigerator, and that will be clear to anyone. But I know that I am called to be responsible to God for what I have…so along with my extra spending on this trip, I will do some extra giving to the church. I have listened with much interest and shared joy as friends who have traveled afar have described their journeys, and believe their travel has enriched their lives. So as I go, I will remember that God must surely be happy when we seek and explore new things, strange beauty, unfamiliar treasures, and the joy of friends.

I’ll be back to celebrate All-Saints worship with the saints of First Church, and I’ll probably be eager to tell you about my adventures. In the meantime, grace and peace to each of you!


Anonymous said...

Have a safe and wonderful trip, Kathleen. We'll expect a full report on your blog or at Wed. night service when you return. The Littlest Harris should arrive while you're in Europe. We look foward to introducing you to him when you return! Ciao! - Jennifer and Rand

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful trip you will have. Sally is the best! I can say this from experience. You will love Italy and the wonderful people there. And to be going with such wonderful travel companions will make the trip even better. Keep a travel journal and share it with all of us who will be with you in spirit!

Anonymous said...

OH just have lots of fun and be renewed by the beauty of Italy!

Anonymous said...

Kathleen, you will have a wonderful time. I can certainly identify with your angst about spending that much money. I agonized over going to Greece, but I am so glad I did it. You will fee the same way.
