Sunday, January 24, 2010

Earthquake, malaria, and everyday life

Brooks Schuelke, intrepid and endlessly resourceful chair of our Social Justice Team, had a busy Sunday morning today. He was designated to present the Ministry Moment—a very brief informational/inspirational talk highlighting one of our church’s many ministries—at three of our Sunday morning worship services, a task that can be accomplished with careful planning and attention to time. Brooks had also been at last Wednesday evening’s Chapel service with his message.
Any Ministry Moment is most effective when it is delivered with conviction, brevity, and just a bit of passion. Brooks brought all those qualities to his testimony about “Imagine No Malaria,” a mission of the United Methodist Church worldwide, in cooperation with an agency of the United Nations and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The ambitious goal is to eradicate malaria in sub-Saharan Africa by 2015.
This is a very big deal, and the Austin District was chosen as first to be involved. Several Austin churches have already reached and exceeded their goals.
Brooks began by acknowledging that all of us have felt the desperation of people in Haiti after the very recent earthquake and commending those who have given of their resources to help. Then he went on to tell us that many more die of malaria—a preventabledisease--in Africa every year than have died in the earthquake in Haiti. Our church will focus on Imagine No Malaria in the coming months, with a Sunday in April as our main day of emphasis.

The needs of those suffering these disasters can seem overwhelming! Earthquake, disease, flood, drought, famine, and war disrupt and dominate the lives of people all over the world—far from us in miles, but as close as the pictures on our television sets and computer screens. Meanwhile, our everyday lives go on, largely uninterrupted by major catastrophes. So what are we to do? How much can we give?
I’m pretty sure that most of us can give more than we usually do—more than we think we can. Imagine no malaria! Imagine a rebuilt Haiti, on a firmer footing than that tiny, troubled nation has ever known. Imagine having a part in making those things happen!

There are lots of ways to give to the immediate needs in Haiti, but probably no more efficient, cost-effective way than through UMCOR, the United Methodist Committee on Relief. They are on the scene, delivering direct aid. If you want to contribute, write a check to FUMC, and designate it for UMCOR. In the meantime, watch for more information to come about Imagine No Malaria. And also in the meantime, may our everyday lives go on, with a deepened sense of gratitude to God for all we have.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If it helps with your planning, Sunday, April 25 is World Malaria Day. It's also the official launch of Imagine No Malaria.