Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Sights and Sounds of ChristmasThe Sounds and Sights of ChristmasThe Sounds and Sights of Christmas

The Sounds and Sights of Christmas
Yes, I know we’re in the Advent season—and the Advent season is very important. As Frederick Buechner writes (paraphrased and abbreviated), Advent is the moment just before something very important and wonderful happens.
A long time ago a very stern curmudgeon told me that Advent is really intended to be a time of darkness, with emphasis on penitence and preparation. That is, in fact, where some of the Scripture selections take us. Just listen to John the Baptist preaching repentance, calling his congregation a bunch of snakes, doubting their sincerity in coming to him. That’s all about penitence. But there are more encouraging and hopeful Scripture selections, too. As the prophets call us to prepare, they speak to us of a time of peace and joy to come.
The latter message is what you’ll hear in Wednesday evening Chapel services between now and Christmas. It’s Advent in the church year, but the Chapel certainly looks like Christmas, with garlands and wreaths and two lovely lighted trees adorning our worship space, especially beautiful in candlelight. And the music will be very special this month. On December 12 the service will anticipate Christmas with lots of Scripture and music—sung by a soloist, a special ensemble, and the congregation, with beautiful music by our instrumentalists. On December 19, in our Service of Light in the Midst of Darkness, you’ll hear Shana Norton, harpist, accompanying Holy Communion and the Service of Anointing, as well as the favorite, “O Holy Night,” sung by Ruth Buss and Susan Sanders.
If this sounds like a shameless plug, it is. This is your invitation to join us on the next two Wednesdays, at 7:00 p.m. in the Murchison Chapel. The sights and sounds will be beautiful and will be lifted to God, whether you’re here or not. But those sights and sounds are sure to make your heart ready for the very important and wonderful thing that will happen on Christmas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.