Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas Decorations

Just between us, I'm going to make a confession. Although I love Christmas decorations, I have not decorated my home for Christmas.

All my Christmas celebrations happen away from home--many beautiful services at church, where both Chapel and Sanctuary bring us wonderful music and are gorgeously adorned with lighted trrees and wreaths and poinsettias and candles and stars and a major angel; in the homes of several church members who have made their homes beautiful and festive; at my sister's home in Seguin on Chrstmas Eve with my extended family, where the tree bears, in addition to the beautifully coordinated lights and ornaments, three that are several years older than I am: two little angels (one with pink wings, one with bhlue)and about eighteen inches of shiny foil circles on a thread (al that remains of perhaps six feet of the original, ordered, along with the angels, from the Sears catalog in 1925); and finally, on Christmas Day, in the home of Greg and Caroline and Veronica (children and grandchildren), where the decorations are lovely and quite eclectic.

Intending to decorate at my own cozy home, I got most of the boxes down from the high closets--many creches and angels and ornaments for display, but my artificial tree (purchased long ago in concession to my allergies) remains in the garage storeroom. and all the boxes of creches and angels and ornaments are stacked on the cedar chest in the spare bedroom. decorations here at home.

Except for the gifts and wrapping paper spread out on the guest bed (to the great curiosity and enjoyment of my cat), and now overflowing to the kitchen table and the living room, where I stash them in big gift bags as they are wrapped (again, to the curiosity and enjoyment of my cat). So I've decided that the wrapping paper and ribbon and gift bags are, in fact, my Christmas decorations--including the foil packages and zip-loc bags of goodies in the freezer, awaiting distribution. They all remind me of the people I love, and the fun I had choosing and preparaing gifts for them. In our extended family, we no longer exchange gifts--we all have everything we need and most of what we want! But family members love readng the cards about what I chose for them at the Alternative Gift Market, and I've added some very small gifts designed to make them laugh. And of course, there are gift bags and boxes that have dome to me, bearing lovely things.

So it seems to me that the best Christmas decorations are the ones we give each other--from the wrappings around mny gifts to the decorations at church to the beautiful lights and displays in my neighborhood. I am grateful for them all. I urge you, at this Christmas time, to fill your heart with memories of these beautiful sighs and sounds. They will last long after the packages have been unwrapped and the decorations put away. They will warm your heart and light your way in the cold and darkness of winter and fill your life with your life with love.

Have a beautiful Christmas!

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