Monday, January 14, 2008

Holy Moments

John McMullen, in his January 13 sermon, shared with us his experience of a holy moment. On the Sunday before, two young sisters had served as readers in the 11:00 worship service, and because it was Communion Sunday, they helped us serve. John told how he was deeply moved as he listened to seven-year-old Libby clearly say to each person, as she held the cup, “The cup of Christ.” A few feet away from him, I was having the same kind of experience with Libby’s older sister, Caroline.

Reflecting on this, I thought how impossible, how unheard-of, serving Communion would have been for me in my childhood. Such a privilege was reserved only for those who were ordained. I remember hearing about altar boys from Catholic friends, but our church didn’t even have acolytes. I am so glad that our church welcomes children, and understands how they minister to us.

Let me be clear—I’m not describing how “sweet” or (perish forbid) “cute” it was to see children involved so closely in leading worship. There’s nothing inherently wrong with “sweet” and “cute”—children can’t help being sweet and cute. The moments were sweet and tender because the girls are young, and this was a first-time experience for them. But they were also holy moments! We could sense that the girls knew they were part of something holy; we could feel the Spirit of God resting on them and on us.

Holy moments come to me often, in all sorts of times and places, but none are more treasured than the ones I experience in the worship services here. Listening as Chapel friends share prayer concerns or ask for help for an outreach ministry, being present at a baptism, watching important friendships grow among people who met because they attend the same worship service, being moved by the amazing variety of music used at our several worship services—all of these are holy moments. God is present in all these experiences, seeking us, calling us into relationship with God and with each other.

I know we can experience holy moments every day, wherever we are…but life gets busy and complicated, and we may not always notice how God is in our midst. Our worship services are designed to remind us of God’s seeking love, to provide space and time for holy moments to happen. I hope they will happen for you—here and everywhere!

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