Friday, August 7, 2009

Vacationn Anxiety

Vacation Anxiety
On Monday I’ll be leaving town for five days of vacation in Colorado. I’m spending the time with seven of my dearest friends in the world, so I know it will be a great time. We’ve been talking about a road trip for years, and this one (partly by air!) will be wonderful! And yet, I’m feeling stressed as I think about it. I’ve had very little to do for preparation (these friends always take care of me), so why am I stressed? I just need to pack my suitcase, have one more chat with the cat-caretaker, confirm my transportation to the airport, and I’ll be ready. But I’m feeling anxious, full of “what ifs”.

What if my family needs me? What if somebody in the church needs me? What if I get sick? What if the cat gets sick? What if the cat-caretaker forgets to come? What if the air-conditioning goes out? What if it rains and I miss it? (That would be great, actually!)

All those “what ifs” remind me of Martha of Bethany—the one to whom Jesus said, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious about many things.” Then he went on to say that her sister Mary, who was just hanging around, listening to him talk, had chosen “the better part.” I’ve always felt sorry for Martha—after all, she was getting dinner ready for Jesus and the disciples, a perfectly reasonable task. But I think Jesus was commenting not on what she was doing, but her anxiety, which was colored with some resentment of her sister’s behavior.

I tend to be a lot like Martha, but am trying to develop the Mary in me, as well. So once I get on the plane (maybe even in the taxi!) I’m going to leave Martha behind. If someone needs me, they’ll figure out how to get what they need from someone else, or if it’s a desperate need, they’ll find me. If something goes wrong at home, it will be dealt with.

Life is full of “what ifs”, but the person of faith will not live among them. Vacation is a gift, and I’m going to receive it joyfully, and leave my anxiety at home. Vacation, with all its anticipated joy, is a gift, and I’m going to receive it joyfully. I’ll have some stories to share when I get back!

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